my cans

my cans
they are mine!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

foray into centrelink unsupervised

Today I went to centrelink on my own. serious business. I arrived at ten, waited in line for an hour, got an appointment for an hour's time, and had to wait a further hour after then to actually plead my case. So three hours in, I would at least hope to walk away having achieved something. Well as it turns out, the Australian government does not want people off the dole. Due to the fact I had over $1000 earnings last fortnight, I am entitled to exactly $0. Even though I explained to them that I am flat out broke because the reported earnings come in on the 6th of April. So hooray for not being able to afford luxuries like food. Hungry is an awesome feeling.

Further to the run around, it turns out my previous job, aside from being dicks, are also totally incompetent when it comes to paperwork. They listed my earnings from gruntwork as a payout. So when I was a good boy and listed my earnings on the form, centrelink have tried to double dip saying that I get that money twice.

Moral of the story, if you get on centrelink, don't try to get off it, it will leave you livid and wanting to leaping face stab people everywhere.

On a lighter note there was a lovely girl there with a spongebob related tattoo on each foot. I felt sorry for her and gave her a smoke. I am better than welfare. take that society


  1. sigh. first posts are so overrated, especially when you are my only follower

  2. Ok guys, I will comment for you to feel stalked :p spongebob tattoos, now that's interesting!

  3. Was it Gary? Because if there was no Gary she totally did not deserve that smoke.

  4. I do not think it was a no gary...
